The European market remains steady in July 2023

In July 2023, the European passenger car market experienced its twelfth consecutive month of growth, totalling 851,156 registrations. Growth thus stands at 15.2%, driven by the good performances of the major markets of Germany (+18.1%), France (+19.9%), Italy (+8. 7%) and Spain (+10.7%). For the first seven months of 2023, the increase was 17.6%, with 6.290 million units. This volume is, however, down 22% compared to 2019. Between January and July, some 2.3 million petrol cars were sold in the EU (+14%) compared to 910,000 diesels (-3%) and 820,000 electrics (+55%). Over this period, hybrids reached 1.6 million sales (+29%), and plug-in hybrids, 468,000 units (+2%).