Image, Knowledge, Customers and Profitability. These are the four pillars of the new strategy revealed by EuroTaller, Spain's largest workshop network backed by Groupauto Unión Ibérica (GAUIb). The message was delivered during the EuroTaller 2024 Convention held on 24 February, in the capital of Cordoba. With over 1,500 attendees, including professionals and entrepreneurs from across Spain, Europe, and Latin America, the event marked the network's 25th anniversary.

Welcome to the third digital edition of EUROGARAGE magazine. It's been a collective endeavor to present you with the latest updates from the GROUPAUTO community. We deeply value your ongoing support and hope that you find this new edition insightful and enriching.
In an evolving business environment where change is the only constant, it's imperative that we remain vigilant to emerging trends. Our task isn't merely to adapt but to lead, necessitating bold visions and decisive actions.
Vehicle manufacturers have always preferred that vehicle owners have new vehicles serviced at the Dealership. In fact, significant efforts were required in an attempt to stop Dealerships from misinforming vehicles owners that non-dealership services would violate their vehicle warranty.
Recently, new tactics such as design copyrights, OE part encoding, data access restrictions, and cyber-security concerns are being employed by the vehicle manufacturers to deter vehicle owners from utilizing the aftermarket for vehicle services, and to impede the aftermarket’s ability to provide equivalent services.